Group Members

Dídac Surís Francesc Busquet Ricardo Gutierrez Francisco Herranz
Dídac Surís Francesc Busquet Ricardo Gutierrez Francisco Herranz

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Task 1

The first task consists on the creation of a simple neural network to solve the classification task of the dataset CIFAR10, where we explored the variance and bias trade-off by changing some parameters and hyperparameters of our model.

Task 2

The second task consists on building a soft-max classifier on top of a pre-trained model such as CIFAR10 or off the shelf imagenet model. This is done for the Terrassa data Set.

Task 3

The third task consists on applying some ideas such as transfer learning/fine tunning to build a powerful classifier for the Terrassa Data Set.

Task 4

The fourth tasks uses the previous ideas and techniques to improve the classification model by using an intermediate step where we trained/fine tunned the net for the oxford buildings task, so our classifier for the Terrassa data set can learn the features of buildings in a more precise way.

Task 5

In the fifth task we generated an Image Classifier using the Inception V3 model, furthermore we generated a user interface to allow the users upload images while the system classifies them showing the class label and its predicted probability.